Generative gossip
Gossipy narratives generated from a context-free grammar. My goal was to use contextualizing/cohesive words and phrases to make the generated text flow (even if it is devoid of any semantics). Many more bits of text plus the grammar used to generate them after the cut. (The grammar file is for use with a context-free grammar sentence generator similar to the one explained here.)
"Oscan/Japanese Encounters"
It all started when Cornell was penetrating with Marcy. So Cary, Terrilyn and Foster were refrigerating. Natosha will deny it, but I'm sure that Jaime was energizing with Eneida. Don't tell Efrain I said this, but Lakesha was howling with Jacki and Audrey. Before that, Cassie was flagging, and Romaine was stimulating with Elfrieda. What's more, Marica and Eustolia had been flagging forever. Meanwhile Roseanne was there. Meanwhile Cory was Oscan-speaking. But don't worry. Santa had been wood-burning but no one had said anything. Before that, Michale was Japanese-speaking with Cruz. That's okay, because Shawnee, Emogene and Natashia had been controlling forever. Freeda will deny it, but I'm sure that Nelle, Tracey and Evita were piffling with Charity and Ardell, and Mercedez was there. It was both stupid and amazing.
It all started when Leonel was woolgathering with Ria. I heard from Miriam that Dong was there. According to Darcel, Rhonda and Karon were frothing with Emory. I thought it was surprising.
It all started when Genevieve, Kenda and Michelina arrived. Don't tell Jacquelin I said this, but Tamekia and Tina were nonchurchgoing with reckless abandon. According to Renaldo, Claribel and Inell were unwilling with Scottie. From start to finish, it was bizarre but not really amazing.
"Fine-looking, not electrifying"
It all started when Malinda was discerning. Later, Suzan, Stanley and Bryon were unencouraging with Zelma. Before that, Trinh was there, and then Lucrecia, Savanna and Onita weren't teeming but WERE supporting. Don't tell Margene I said this, but Susann was disabling with Tammi and Calista, and Derick was blistering. Likewise, Star, Derick and Kaylene had been thicket-forming as a matter of habit. Which is funny because Edris had been unfluctuating the previous night. Hilariously, Delinda was acid-loving with Hollie. Anyway, Jesus and Lue had been howling for a few seconds. That's why Margene and Isabella had been disabling as a matter of habit. Later, Kirby, Lorene and Carol were encroaching, and Corie was confiding with Marion, Holley and Carmelita. Later, Maragret wasn't electrifying, but WAS fine-looking, and then Leota was invigorating. I heard from Yuko that Edra was vexing with Queenie. Meanwhile Marcelene was there, and Steven, Debi and Miki arrived. Don't tell Ronald I said this, but Drew, Almeda and Sheryl were tall-growing. The whole thing was both bizarre and surprising.
"Maud and Rebbecca's Glowering Habit"
It all started when Jeanette and Daina weren't repressing but WERE flaming. According to Rhiannon, Mike was vacillating, and Elicia and Abbey were there. Across town, Maud and Rebbecca had been glowering as a matter of habit. Never mind that, though. Dorothea and Marlys were early-blooming, and then Jarod was there. Don't tell Yesenia I said this, but Walter wasn't downward-arching, but WAS unenlightening. Tarsha will deny it, but I'm sure that Joy and Yolando were exacting, and then Ivory was matching. From start to finish, it was more than bizarre.
"To scintillate and shatter"
It all started when Fe was freestanding with Crystle. What's more, Novella and Charise were rip-roaring with Bud. Nevertheless, Birgit and Carlos had been scintillating the previous night. That's okay, because Chuck had been shattering the day before. Teressa will deny it, but I'm sure that Vallie and Katharine were astounding with Harland. I thought it was both unremarkable and amazing.
"Poor Dong and Tu"
It all started when Lean was jesting. According to Merideth, Buddy, Jackelyn and Edna were sloping with Eulalia, Raven and Franklin. Moreover, Michell, Quyen and Gwenda arrived. Before that, Renita and Christi were unregretting. According to Shawanna, Jed was there, and then Nicola and Natasha were commemorating with Issac, Esteban and Evalyn. Before that, Franklin wasn't questioning, but WAS base-forming, and then Emilia and Judson arrived. According to Dino, Terresa was fitting with Keely, and Galina, Yoshie and Nubia arrived. Particia will deny it, but I'm sure that Madelaine, Tawny and Darcie were left-slanting with Christia and Ruthie, and then Leopoldo and Gillian were driving with Cristina. Ironically, Dong and Tu had been amazing but no one had said anything. I heard from Kylee that Catrina was fact-finding with Lisandra and Lenita. Don't tell Merlyn I said this, but Micah and Lucienne were preceding with Olin. The whole thing was stupid.
"Why Winston double-deals"
It all started when Cassie and Magan were menacing. Not to be outdone, Noelia, Mary and Darron had been unreasoning as a matter of habit. Hilariously, Ruby had been gushing the day before. Before that, Harley and Antonina were air-breathing. That's why Winston and Omega had been double-dealing for at least a few weeks. Don't tell Jazmine I said this, but Kristan and Roscoe were bouncing vigorously. The whole thing was unremarkable.
"The consequences of clanking"
It all started when Kayleen, Cristine and Mariann were clanking with Jake. Before that, Murray was scheming with Kaley. According to Oliva, Tracey was Italian-speaking with Wilfredo and Synthia, and then Helene and Edward were well-meaning a little bit. I thought it was bizarre.
"Kattie had been penny-pinching"
It all started when Carrol, Rosena and Palmira arrived. Keva will deny it, but I'm sure that Theo and Lannie were outflowing, and Laurel, Nina and Daisey were overlooking quickly. According to Gricelda, Precious and Rafael were discouraging with Colleen and Dennis, and then Lincoln, Georgina and Pearline were worsening. Later, Evan and Humberto were wide-ranging with Chelsie, and Larry was unchanging. Anyway, Solange and Adelaide were nut-bearing, and then Ming and Felecia were rousing with Nguyet and Tabetha. Meanwhile Melida was pre-existing at the same time, and then Gay, Dexter and Hester arrived. That's okay, because Kattie had been penny-pinching for at least a few weeks. But Eladia had been fumbling the day before. Otha will deny it, but I'm sure that Edda and Katharina were corking with Gale. I heard from Elanor that Nubia and Mirella were rousing with Adelaide and Evelia. Meanwhile Autumn, Stefanie and Hermina were there, and Howard was there. Moreover, Sherly had been illuminating forever. The whole thing was completely bizarre.
"Secret matches and two-timing"
It all started when Elyse was matching (secretly). According to Vernia, Bobby, Marivel and Dion were there, and then Tiffany and Deon were two-timing. It was stupid but not really stupid.
"Ezekiel blisters"
It all started when Sol and Isaac arrived. Meanwhile Lenna was decentralising with Marion and Jonas, and Sylvia and Derick were thumping. That's okay, because Alberta, Ezekiel and Kent had been blistering in secret. Afterwards, Joan was staring with Meggan, and then Suellen was Gaelic-speaking with Dana. I thought it was completely awesome.
"Marilynn was there"
It all started when Eden arrived. What's more, Antoinette and Virginia had been torturing for a few seconds. Don't tell Marty I said this, but Dayle was enlightening with Evelynn and Jenna. Nevertheless, Marilynn was there. It was surprising.